Follow the 2024 Kolkata Declaration and Resolution on Scientific Temper

Dear colleagues, friends and fellow citizens of India,

         The 7th National Scientific Temper Day, NSTD 24, will be observed throughout the country, on the 20th of August 2024. This was the day in 2013, on which Dr. Narendra Dabholkar, a renowned crusader for the cause of science and scientific temper was gunned down by terrorist forces of unreason and anti-science. His martyrdom was followed by similar acts of murder of Shri Govind Pansare, Professor M.M. Kalburgi, Ms. Gauri Lankesh, who also were in the forefront of the defence of scientific thinking, reason, spirit of inquiry and humanist values of equality and justice.

         All India People’s Science Network (AIPSN), in collaboration with the Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti (MANS) in 2018 made their first appeal to organize the NSTD on 20th August every year. Ever since the first event, the NSTD has generated deep enthusiasm amongst different groups and individuals from different sections of the society and is observed in different ways in most states of India.

          At the National convention for declaration on scientific temper held on 28th Feb 2024 at Kolkata, the scientific temper declaration was adopted and later endorsed by scientists, academics, students, Peoples Science Movement activists and by the public all over the country. The 2024 Kolkata Declaration on Scientific Temper emphasises the urgent need for a renewed commitment to evidence-based reasoning, critical thinking and a scientific approach in India, especially amidst growing socio-political movements that challenge a scientific temper and universal knowledge production based on commonly agreed methods and understanding. Given the changes in society and technology since the earlier declarations on scientific temper in 1981 and 2011, the Declaration stresses the importance of embracing natural and social sciences, humanities, and the rational experiences of ordinary people in the common endeavour to combat the post-truth culture, the intentional promotion of ignorance, and diminishing trust in science exacerbated by misuse of technology.

         Observance of the NSTD begins on 1st August and continues till September. Its main thrust is the “Ask Why?” campaign. This is accompanied by different programmes like rallies, human chains, lectures, debates, drama, song, poster displays, film shows etc. that emphasise scientific temper and the defence of Article 51A(h).

         As part of NSTD we affirm our constitutional right to defend the integrity of Article 51A(h), and to ensure that the investments in education, science, technology, humanities and arts are considerably enhanced and directed to work for the realization of the scientific temper/outlook, for the cultivation of linguistic and socio-cultural diversity, for the universally cherished message of unity in diversity and the secular and socialist idea of India – for a society free from discrimination and inequalities.

         This appeal invites all sections of our people to participate in the forthcoming NSTD observance.  Innovations by different groups and individuals in these programmes will help the message of NSTD to reach a wider section of our people. This is a call for action across three fronts: the State's role, the involvement of scientific and academic institutions, and combating the undermining of science by the State, the erosion of academic freedom, and the spread of pseudo-science and unscientific beliefs.

         Let us urge scientists, intellectuals, and other like-minded individuals to support evidence-based thinking and policy-making and to uphold constitutional values to foster a scientific temper.

         We, from the AIPSN, invite you as concerned citizens to sign this appeal and participate widely in NSTD programmes.


Satyajit Rath   Asha Mishra  Arunabh Mishra 

President  General secretaryConvener

Scientific Temper Desk

All India People's Science Network

Total Number of endorsements till now: 1 Sender's name Affiliation
1 S.Krishnaswamy AIPSN